EU Navigate

A European project investigating navigation programmes in different EU countries. Navigation programmes support older people with cancer and declining health throughout their trajectory to live as well as possible at home. Specially-trained navigators help older people and their families access needed resources and services, while providing companionship and support.

A fast-growing number of older people with cancer and their family experience a myriad of physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs, as well as practical challenges in their daily life. Many have challenges in timely accessing the necessary health and social care services, such as supportive and palliative care. We need a sustainable strategy to meet these challenges. Navigation interventions using specially-trained navigators hold promise, but we need high-quality evidence to support their implementation. EU Navigate will work in the next five years to provide this evidence.

EU Navigate Consortium

Project Timeline

the canadian Nav-CARE volunteer navigation programme

NavCARE is a volunteer navigation programme that has been successfully developed, implemented, tested and refined in the last 14 years in Canada. NavCARE supports people with declining health and their families to improve their quality of life and well-being, to foster empowerment, and to facilitate timely and equitable access to health and social care services and resources. 

 Adapting navcare into NavCare-EU for europe

Sep 2022 – Aug 2023

Using an evidence-based adaptation protocol, we will adapt the Canadian NavCARE into NavCARE-EU and identify effective implementation strategies. In this process, we will involve key stakeholders in all participating countries, including patients, families, potential volunteers, trainers, health and social care professionals, organisational leaders, policymakers,…

implementing and evaluating the (cost-) effectiveness of navcare-eu

Sep 2023 – Aug 2027

NavCare-EU will be implemented in Belgium, Ireland, Poland, the Netherlands, Portugal and Italy. Further, we will evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of NavCare-EU, primarily in improving patients’ and family caregivers’ quality of life and well-being. Moreover, we will conduct process evaluation, subgroup and country comparative analyses, and a mapping study of existing navigation interventions.

promoting sustainable navcare-eu in europe and beyond

Aug 2027 – onwards 

Based on our results and key stakeholder inputs, we will refine NavCare-EU and its implementation strategy and provide recommendations for research, practice and policy to promote the sustainable implementation of NavCare-EU in Europe and beyond. Throughout the entire project, we will also focus on communication, dissemination and exploitation of project results. 


Hereunder is the latest news written by our research and dissemination partners

A new report, published as part of EU Navigate, highlights the invaluable potential of patient navigation for older people with cancer. Patient navigation programmes are non-pharmacological initiatives to support, educate, and empower patients to ensure they have timely access to needed services and resources. Their central […]
Based on patient and volunteer feedback, the implementation of the NavCare-EU navigation intervention shows potential benefits in six countries across Europe. One older person with cancer in Italy, Vera, and her volunteer navigator, Daniela, have kindly shared their experiences in two short video clips. They have […]