EU Navigate was successfully evaluated and appraised highly by the European Commission

March 2022 

EU Navigate was successfully evaluated and appraised highly by the European Commission 

We are very pleased to announce that the EU Navigate project has been successfully evaluated and appraised highly, with a 15/15 score, by the European Commission. EU Navigate is an intercontinental, interdisciplinary and intersectoral research aiming to develop, implement and evaluate NavCare-EU – an innovative navigation interventions – for older people with cancer and their families.  

EU Navigate will be one of the projects to receive funding under the call topic HORIZON-HLTH-2021-DISEASE-04-01– Improved supportive, palliative, survivorship and end-of-life care of cancer patients. The project will be conducted from Sept 2022 to Aug 2027. We are grateful for this opportunity and are looking forward to working with our consortium partners and all key stakeholders in the participating countries across Canada and Europe.  


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