uniwersytet jagielloński w krakowie (Poland)

Jagiellonian University is the largest and best ranked University in Poland in the field of medical sciences and recently it was selected by the Ministry of Science and High Education to the top group of ten the best leading science centers in Poland called the “Excellence Initiative – Scientific University”. The NAVIGATE project will be performed by staff of the Chair of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at the Medical Faculty of Jagiellonian University Medical College, which consists of epidemiologists, medical doctors, statisticians, public health specialists, psychologists and sociologists. Through leading EU-funded projects, UJ staff has gained extensive experience and expertise in geriatrics, gerontology, epidemiology, preventive medicine and public health research, especially in health services research, long-term care, clinical trial studies, and data-analysis related to quality of care and quality of life of older people. Moreover, UJ staff conducted several research projects with use of InterRAI tools and is skilled with analysis of InterRAI or MDS big data-base.

Roles within EU Navigate

The UJ staff will mainly contribute to WPs 2 and 3 and be responsible for leading WP7 that is dedicated to performing a mapping study (and report) of existing navigation services for cancer patients across the EU, US, and Canada.

Katarzyna Szczerbińska

Principal Investigator

Ilona Barańska

Senior Team Member

Viola Kijowska

Senior Team Member

Kasia Slaby

Senior Team Member

Aneta Krawczycka-Mika

Team Member